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Wiped Away

On the boring road to nowhere
the traffic’s slow
- slow as boring traffic
cars drift past
looking at each other
do I know her
or don’t I, or
he’s nice
he’s not so nice

One twists a lock of hair
twists and twirls
on the one hand…
but on the other hand…
with herself
a daisy chain…
he loves me
he loves me not


A bald driver argues
with someone absent
both hands gesticulate
in the air
his car drives itself
point by point
brake pedal, clutch pedal
like he’s conducting


Somewhere up ahead
there’s an accident
dents crumple
front to rear
rear to front
four of them stand there
accusing each others insurance
details in the slow rain
triangles out and blinking
coatless in the rain
coatless, hatless
hatless, coatless

We inch past
the jam unwinds
we speed up
flash lights at someone
we patiently followed
only minutes ago
move on, move on
we’re in a hurry
going nowhere
in a hurry
in the rain


The wipers brush
us all away
backwards, forwards
forwards backwards
temporary drops
wiped away

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© Johnmichael Simon



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