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Like Galaxies and Gulls
You know you’ve been there before
confidence from balls of feet
to upstretched arms
and with a little push
you leave the ground
sail unfettered as a snowflake
a wind-swept leaf a bird
Sometimes you wander upside down
across a ceiling perhaps a classroom
at times a vaulted hall a place where
blank eyes congregate
then through an opening that
suddenly appears propel yourself
thrust out over trees buildings
meadows continents and seas
up up towards the gleaming firmament
It’s not a dream you tell yourself
remembering images an oft repeated
wonder world where mirrors lined up
face to face like crystal pools or star clusters
reflect your image in thousand facets of
the knowledge; flying is natural as being
Today observing from this grounded
ledge of time only your shaving mirror
smiles at you your graying stubble shrugs
you rise up on your toes and push but
nothing happens as you wash the fluffy
foam those recollections swirling in
the water dissipating disappearing now
like galaxies and gulls
© Johnmichael Simon
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