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Hadassah Hospital, Ein Karem
From somewhere long past
they come in the morning
these old niggunim – these cadences
they and I graying in the hospital dawn
Why do they sing to me, these words?
I who did not choose this chosen inheritance
yet choose me they do
and I am powerless, stand again
before the opened scroll, kiss my prayer shawl
fringe to the page and sing again the blessings
my strong soprano not yet cracked by life
so sure, so confident, the musk of generations
nodding, word after lilting word
In the corridor a woman sits
velveted in shadow, hair hidden by betrothal
her lips mumble from pages thumbed with
daily use, blessings accepted as her own
a blessing for every season, one for every hour
I see them everywhere, black in the morning’s gray,
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, forgive me stones,
hurrying to and from prayer to prayer
some wearing black hats and fringes
others with robes and shawls and rosaries
and those who kneel to Mecca, blood in their eyes.
Are they chosen too? Each with his own allegiance,
each chosen to be chosen,
each with his own heartbeat of Truth
prophets unquestioned in this holy morning mist
Forgive me Jerusalem, I am of thee
yet are not thine. In a vision I see these words,
these cadences, these prayers in different tongues
ascending as smoke trails rising skyward in the breaking
mist and mingling somewhere on high, in that place
above the clouds where for the briefest moment
the sun bursts through and paints Jerusalem with gold
The head male nurse, a Moslem, bustles in, all smiles
and kindness. Today you go home. I hold his hand
embrace him in gratitude, shoulder my belongings,
step off into another prayerless day
It’s raining in Jerusalem, we all scurry in the fog
each with his own prayer for mercy, dissolving now
© Johnmichael Simon
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