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Future Dig
When they excavate
this colossus
that once gazed on the planet
from Wall street, Basin street
land of stars and stripes
they may find
some inexplicables
for archeologists
to argue over
Such as boneless
and toothless
bulls and bears
the plains must have
swarmed with them
did they consume
the bones
or crush them
into fertilizer?
Such as caves
with broken pottery
graves of ceramic shards
troughs with strange bends
and mouths
perhaps communal
drinking places
shards mostly white
some pinkish fragments
but no blue basins
And this strange symbol,
stripes and stars
in red blue cloth
found in so many
a popular depiction
of the universe?
a religious icon?
a ritual gown
worn by priests?
Most puzzling
these inscriptions
translated roughly
to mean
land of the free
while all around
rusting evidence
of enslavement abounds
© Johnmichael Simon
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