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Email to an absent parent
I have often thought about you
up there, inside me, everywhere?
wherever you are, whoever you are.
Do you really need all those prayers
those genuflections, exhortations
those daily reminders of what a wonderful
and powerful parent you are?
Or doesn’t it matter to you at all?
Are all the words we write, sing, intone
actually designed to say how small
we feel, how needy, waiting for a parent’s
approval or love.
Yet divided we are. Those of us who know
all the answers and those who can’t help
asking questions.
Sometimes I think it’s all an endless maze
in which we scurry along countless paths
and cul de sacs, the only constant truth
being that we never fully understand
how we got in and how we get out.
And all we need is occasionally a helping
hand to push us along and keep us moving.
Thanks in advance for understanding.
© Johnmichael Simon
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