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Drummin in the City

     In memory of J.G.S, killed in a road accident, age 24


drummin in the city

wheels spinnin on lead weighted tires

spinnin through the gaps

trance boomin out on acid wings

spinnin cool easy

don’t think you can take me man
cos i’m the unbeatable universe flyer

you should know that grandpa

i can hound you any day
sit on your damn exhaust

slip away real cool

don’t none of you even try me

cos i’ll leave you spinnin

like wet rats stuck in a trap


don’t talk to me bout road accidents

statistics, speed limits can go screw themselves

don’t look at me like that sister

like your father owns the road or something

you can eat my wheels sister

cos they’re spinnin by themselves now

hot little sinners of black rubber
i can blow acid fumes at you all

whenever i like sister

leave y’all standin, starin, cursin
i’ve got somethin to say sister

whether you like it or not

i can use your fancy words too sister,

but this i wanna say my way


as for you and you brothers

all sassy in your wall street grays

i’m drummin in your city brothers

so just go jerk off on your fancy striped ties

i’ll wipe the road with all you worms

watch my black rubber bears and bulls brothers

let’s see you take options on them

i’ don’t need your options brothers

i get mine when i need them

directly from the needle

so go write your columns brothers

i’ll wipe myself with them

back then you were with me baby

drummin in the city

spinnin in the dark

arms around my neck baby

hot scent in my ear

pullin me down to you baby

all cold in that goddam white sheet

your eyelashes standin up

all glued on like sentinels

on your cold whitewashed face

your beautiful bloodless face

whisper to me baby

just once

i’m drummin in the city baby

still lookin for you baby

wrenched out of the heart of me

don’t cry for me baby

i’m drummin

i’m comin

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© Johnmichael Simon



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