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Dream Tunes
Dream tunes
awaken in the night singing away
flimsy flutter on a hispy hisp
gypsy mutter on a wispy wisp
singing hey ho the merry o oh
grasp them clasp them
what are they, just ask them
pomegranate poems or nowt?
Dream partners
dance through our lives barely glimpsed
gossamer legs in flimsy red dresses
upturned knights and fragile princesses
kings and knaves spread out in a row
unwrap them hold them
who are they, unfold them
paper people or nowt?
Dream worlds
flicker next to ours sliding away
misty movies on sepia screens
yellows are brown and blues are green
fade out fade in
frame by frame paper thin
flashing flickety flick hide and show
watch them feel them
which are they, the real them
signs in the sky or nowt?
Dream alas, dream alay
I’m just dreaming my life away
© Johnmichael Simon
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