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Down to Earth
We thought it was snow
but it wasn’t winter,
this comic intermezzo
floating soft in the morning rays
dispersing in the breeze
to snag in giggling laughter
on bush, bramble and loam
A thrush came to investigate
and flew away, white treasure in beak
while the dog did twisters in the air
barking to catch them, tantalized
From the open bedroom window
came thumps and squeals
of children having a pillow fight
We sat on the kitchen steps
and drank our coffee,
summer vacation was nearly over
routine was round the corner
soon we would pack this farmyard scene
away until next year
Across the yard
the geese strutted disdainfully
they didn’t know, couldn’t care
what all the fuss was about
Pecking and honking with yellow beaks
and stiff necked ignorance
© Johnmichael Simon
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