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Deus Ex Machina
Someone sent an email to my laptop
while in sleep mode, the program answered
my master won’t be back until next week
please leave a message – the email left unread
Simply said dear sir my late lamented husband
left a million dollars I wish to share with you
and then another email followed to my sleeping slave
it read your number has just won the great Russian
lottery a sum of seven billion rubles will be paid
to your account after you fill in this form
With details of your bank your wife and children
your user name and password but my dumb computer
merely sent another message about next week
which wasn’t really true as actually I’d spent the day
Composing my reply to a nineteen year old beauty
from Afghanistan who’d fallen in love
with my network address and now wished to arrange
a meeting where we could confess to each other
some intimacies
Well you can guess I sent the laptop straight
to Hades got myself a nine inch tablet
programmed to immediately accept my winnings and
satisfy the passions of those love lorn ladies
© Johnmichael Simon
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