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The mountain peaks are etched with gasps this morning

a rising mist applauds an overture of birds


Down in the local supermarket, shelves are filling

fresh picked apples, tomatoes bursting goodness


Children on their way to school pedal and chatter

and in the busting laboratories of wizardry


That hum on desktops bringing packets from Iceland

to equator, an endless flow of information


Complex and beautiful as a cross section of an universe

teeming with activities and potential


Flows out into a confluence of mind, multicolored,

today and yesterday rainbowed across a breathless sky


Tomorrow nascent in the wings, a dream, midsummer-like

and we the watching audience prepare to be enthralled


Deceptive: cold baton of the universe, its podium the stars

as in the Eastern sky a tiny fuse begins to tick

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© Johnmichael Simon



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