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Gray owl has dipped his eyes tonight
in paint, black eyes once wise and sure
black owl has cloaked wise eyes tonight
owls’ dark eyes are a pool tonight
and in the pool a lure
Gray jackals have blacked their howls tonight
to growl beneath their cloaks
gray jackals have opened throats tonight
their dark throats lure the toads tonight
in every throat a croak
Dim moon has hooded face tonight
to whispers through the leaves
dim moon has cast a net tonight
and dark green leaves are cloaks tonight
in every cloak a spell
Dark pool is huge and deep tonight
that was so bright with fish
dark pool is filled with eyes tonight
and each eye is a spell tonight
in every spell a wish
My dreams are filled with owls tonight
with jackals and with eyes
dim moonlight dreams of pools tonight
but every dream will die tonight
when sunrise throttles skies
© Johnmichael Simon
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