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Crossword Puzzle Addict
Once he was the editor
of a puzzle magazine,
once he was a sleepwalker,
the stone behind the henge
waiting for the sky to fall
and recommence its scribbled crawl
Once he was a track
a night immense and black
a graveyard of discarded footsteps—
once he was a nun! A hot cross bun,
a cartoonist drawing faces in the sand
here a forehead, some false teeth
a missing hand
Once he was a bow without an arrow
a red wheelbarrow, once a guest
a windmill on a quest
to seek the essence, the straight and narrow
once he was Columbus, discovering
the future in the New World’s
opus numbers
All came to naught, battles once fought
were ended, perhaps surrendered
so now he sits this evening with a beer
somewhere in the sunset of his years
still full of his ideas, some brilliant some queer
his past growing fainter, tomorrow near
Still filling in the blanks
amid the butterflies, the roar of tanks
© Johnmichael Simon
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