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Book Worms
Over here, the guide said
is the worm colony
born into blindness
white bodies squirming
exuding trails of hieroglyphics
they wriggle their way
across sheets of pressed papyrus
in meaningless patterns of
intestinal scribble and scrawl.
They say a billion worms
crawling across a million sheets
said a goat-faced student chewing
a carrot next to a showcase
labeled Fact or Fiction,
could write the entire Mythology,
compose the Seven Holy Books.
Indeed they do, clever goat
intoned the guide, and that is why
the Scholars say…., but his words
were cut off by a procession
of monks carrying brooms who
swept the worms into scroll-like
containers to be buried and
rediscovered by new generations
of diggers searching for The Truth.
© Johnmichael Simon
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