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Attention Defecit
it’s in her dna
this theme she won’t let go
strands of knitting
our kitten batting a dead cockroach
over the floor until
it goes skitting, dry with one leg
falling off
under the piano
grandmother talking on the telephone
to her daughter who is explaining that the school
psychologist recommended ritalin for nanette
as she has the potential to be
a very talented student
but can’t concentrate
in class kitten now claw-scratching up my
favorite armchair
i, watching aghast as she teases out strands of fabric
grandmother arguing that these chemicals
stunt growth, that the attention deficit is quite
normal her over-active mind needing more
than a well mannered lick at a
bowl of cream
the educational system being about as boring
as a microscopic description of feelers, thorax and
other insect parts, interjecting compassionately let the
child develop at her own pace
getting angry now
as her daughter repeats in a loud voice but you’re not
listening to me at all i told you we’re just thinking about
the psychologist’s point of view the kitten’s
older brother tearing up the furniture out of some destructive
until grandmother bangs down the phone
eyes full of tears
the body of the cockroach deep under the piano
gathering dust and cat hair
for years until nanette, refusing
to practice her scales, goes upstairs to watch
lady gaga on the computer
© Johnmichael Simon
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