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An Enlishman's Home
Walking down Main Street absorbed
in dreaming up some text
for a condominium marketing brochure
I nearly bumped into this British fellow
whose bicycle, propped against a tree,
carried a large placard decorated
With photographs of three large castles
surrounded by lawns, gardens and rivers,
he was expounding the virtues of castles
Castles as homes, castles as investments,
in a loud Hyde Park voice while handing
out brochures to the crowd that had gathered
Of course it was all a dream, but on waking
to the news of tumbling markets and failures
of real estate corporations, I couldn’t help
Thinking that a castle would probably be
quite a good investment, able to withstand
the vagaries of changing economic winds
My wife pointed out that it was a rather
proverbial dream, but all the same I think
I’ll check the listings for any foreclosed castles
You know what they say about ill winds
© Johnmichael Simon
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