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An End to Conflict
Memories are shuttered, packed away
in dream arsenals. Restless they struggle
to find a way out, release chained demons.
Overhead, metallic wings unfurl and swoop
eyes in the skies scan for any manifestations
of military activity.
Infants are scrutinized for signs of competitive
behavior, aggressive tendencies. Deviants are
lobotomized by mechanical surgeons. Boundaries
are abolished, flags ripped up or burnt. Houses
of worship closed, prayers and hymns banned.
A single universal language is taught in schools
pupils with identical pale brown skin color in
neat school uniforms and short haircuts sit in
endless rows and study poems of peace and order.
In a cellar under what used to be called North Korea
a wizened warrior is completing a book, printing copies
on an illegal duplicating machine. The book is
called Messiah and describes a world where war
does not end. Trumpets will sound the call. Armies
will mobilize, tractors will be converted into tanks,
the populace will be armed, weapons will be sold
in supermarkets. Forgotten rivalries will be rekindled,
street fighting encouraged.
The day will come, he writes. Time of steel and blood,
of valor and pride. Bravery that never ends.
© Johnmichael Simon
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