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A Little Planet Rhyme
Timothy Tadpole as a rule
was always the smartest kid at school
he could do sums with both eyes closed
and finish his homework while he dozed
history for him was a piece of cake
dates that he forgot he could always fake
but suddenly one strange day last September
the names of the planets he couldn’t remember
so to make sure he’d not forget them the next time
he made up this funny little planets rhyme
and this is how it goes:
Mercury is number one
a baby planet close to mother sun
after Mercury comes planet Venus
whose blind green eyes have never seen us
then comes Earth, that’s us you know
where all the toffee apples grow
after Earth, and fourth, comes Mars
whose cooking’s much tastier than Pa’s
Jupiter’s a monstrous ball
he’s the biggest planet of them all
Saturn’s number six, that’s easy,
as her rings make you quite dizzy
I wish someone could explain us
why number seven is called Uranus
the next planet I always forget
oh, yes, Neptune, whose sea gets you wet
last comes Pluto, he’s a doggie, isn’t he?
if you don’t believe, just ask Walt Disney
Well, that’s all, what a pity
there aren’t new planets to add to this ditty
© Johnmichael Simon
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